Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prayers in honour of the Sorrowful Mother

The above are my paintings Oil on canvas, and acrylic on canvas for sale
Pl contact my cell No.09886876102 Joseph AL

The Seven Dolours of Mary at the Death of Jesus
First Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which pierced thy soul when thy beloved son took leave of thee on Maundy Thursday. Remember how the sword of pain pierced through thy soul, and what burning tears thou didst then shed. I pray thee, O Mary! Stand by me when I take leave of my friends and my soul is about to part from my body in the bitterness of death, that the enemy may then have no power over me. Amen. (Hail Mary)

Second Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which pierced thy soul when St. John brought thee the news that thy beloved Child had been shamefully betrayed, taken captive by the Jews, bound, struck, pushed, dragged first to Annas then to Caiphas, and there like amid the wolves, held as prisoner and falsely accused. Remember, O Mary! What a sword of pain then convulsed thy soul, and what burning tears thou didst shed when thou didst exclaim: “O my Son Jesus, Jesus my Son! Who will give me to die for Thee? O my Son Jesus, Jesus my Son!” I pray thee, O Mary! In my last hour, when my heart is full of anxiety and pain, to strengthen me and console me by thy presence, and preserve me from falling into discouragement. Amen. (Hail Mary)

Third Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which pierced thy soul on Good Friday when thou didst see with thy own grieving eyes how Pilate presented thy dear Son to the people and said: “Behold the man!” Remember, O Mary! What thy tender Heart suffered, as thou didst behold thy sweetest Child so miserably disfigured by the Cruel inhuman scourging that thou thyself wouldst scarcely have known Him again. What didst thou think, O best of Mothers! When thou didst see His angelic countenance so frightfully distorted, covered with blood and spittle, His head crowned and pierced with thorns, and His whole Body lacerated so that it no longer resembled that of a man? Speak, O Mary! What did thy heart suffer when thou didst hear the Jews tumultuously exclaim: “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” and as Pilate pronounced in thy hearing that most unrighteous judgment! Through these most bitter pangs which lacerated thy maternal Heart, I beg thee, O Mary! When I am called before the severe Judge to give an account of my life, when I must hear the terrible sentence, do thou unite thy great merits to my scant record of good works, that I may receive a favorable judgment. Amen (Hail Mary)

Fourth Dolous
O thou most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which pierced thy soul when thou didst meet thy innocent Child, laden so heavily with the hard wood of the Cross, completely exhausted on the road to Golgotha, where like a tender lamb He was to be slaughtered. O most Sorrowful Mother! What a martyrdom it was for thee, to see Him sink under His burden, but driven onwards by the executioners with thrusts and blows! O holy Virgin! Through thy maternal Heart thus pierced through and through by the sorrowful spectacle of beholding thine own Adorable Child bearing His Cross, I beseech thee that at my going hence thou wouldst turn thy merciful eyes towards me, that in my death agony I may be consoled and strengthened by the light of thy face. Amen. (Hail Mary)

Fifth Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which wrung thy soul when thou didst hear that thy dear Son was most inhumanly fastened to the Cross by large nails driven through His hands and feet. O most loving, most sorrowful Mother! How hard must every blow of the hammer have struck on thy tender Heart? What wounds must thy heart have received! Through these thy sufferings, and through thy burning tears and sighs which penetrated even to heaven. I pray thee not to forsake me when I lie in my last agony and the arrows of death are piercing my heart. Amen. (Hail Mary)

Sixth Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which pierced thy soul when thou didst raise thy eyes streaming with tears, and see thy beloved Son hanging on the Cross in unutterable torments and didst behold His enemies triumph over Him with mocking taunts and blasphemies. How must thy Heart have been torn at hearing the words: “My God, My God! Why hast Thou forsaken me?” O holy, anguished Mother! think how painfully thou didst stand beneath the Cross, when thy Son cried out: It is consummated, Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit! Oh, the anguish and sorrow of thy Mother-Heart when thy Son died upon the Cross! I pray thee through the bitter death of thy well-beloved Son, assist me at the hour of my death, take my poor soul into thy hands and present it to thy Divine Son, Amen. (Hail Mary)

Seventh Dolour
O most Sorrowful Mother Mary! I remind thee of the intense pain which transpierced thy soul when a spear penetrated the Lifeless Heart of Jesus! Then thy loving Heart was penetrated through and through! O grief-stricken Mother! what didst thou experience when, after the dead Body of thy Son had been taken down from the Cross it was laid in the virginal lap, and bathed with thy tears? What didst thou not suffer at beholding the large Wounds in His hands and feet? What didst thou not feel at beholding that Divine countenance so disfigured that thou couldst scarcely recognize it? Might not thy pangs have softened stones and moved unreasoning beasts to compassion? Therefore, O most compassionate Mother by all these thy sorrows, I entreat thee to have pity on my soul in my last sorrow, to cleanse it with thy tears, to take it in thy arms, as thou didst once take the Body of thy Divine Son, and lead it to eternal felicity. Amen (Hail Mary).


Prayer before an Image of the Mother of Sorrows
Everywhere in churches and chapels, we find an image representing Mary holding the lifeless Body of her Divine Son in her arms. These representations are called “pietas.” a sculpture made by famous Artist Michael Angelo. Countless graces are obtained by visiting such images. If one desires to obtain special favours, it is well to visit one of these images nine times or thirty times, and pray for the desired grace through the powerful intercession of the Mother of Sorrows. The rosary of the seven dolours, the following prayer, may be said.
O most compassionate Mother, what bitterness filled by heart when thou didst embrace the lacerated Body of thy Son with thy virginal arms, press Him lovingly to thy maternal Heart, and cover Him with tenderest kisses. I remind thee of this inexpressible bitterness, in virtue of which I beseech thee to obtain for me forgiveness of my sins. O Mary, pray me a poor sinner, to thy Jesus whom thou didst hold in thy arms. I beseech thee, O Mary, by the sorrowful mystery of the pieta-image, aid me to obtain grace from God. Take the wounded Body of thy Son into thy maternal arms, and offer Him in this condition to the Heavenly Father for me. Offer Him His Pierced Heart, His Passion and death, and all thy immeasurable sorrows to obtain grace and mercy for me.
Holy Mother, pierce me through: In my heart each wound renew Of My Saviour Crucified. .

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows – St. Bridget
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, who didst endure a martyrdom of love and grief, beholding the suffering and sorrows of Jesus; Thou didst co-operate in the benefit of my redemption by thy innumerable afflictions and by offering to the Eternal Father His Only-Begotten Son as a holocaust and victim of propitiation for my sins. I thank thee for the unspeakable love which led thee to deprive thyself of the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, true God and true Man, to save me a sinner. Oh; make use of the unfailing intercession of thy sorrows with the Father and the Son, that I may steadfastly amend my life and never again crucify my loving Redeemer by new sins; and that preserving till death in His Grace, I may obtain eternal life through the merits of His Cross and Passion. Amen.


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